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Devcards is an eLearning web application that lets you create flashcards solely for web development. Devcards is dedicated to helping any web developers, everyone from novices to professionals to learn, retain, or teach all of the fundamentals and computer languages in the vast and ever-growing world of web developments. All you need to do is sign-up and start learning.

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what devcards members have to say

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

    Author image

    John Doe

    Lead Designer, DoeCreative

  • Mauris sit amet ligula aliquet, dignissim magna eu, imperdiet ipsum. Suspendisse at odio ultrices, cursus ex ut, pharetra sem.

    Author image

    Jane Doe

    CEO, DoeCreative

  • Nullam eu efficitur urna, ac sagittis purus. Ut ex elit, pulvinar fringilla justo at, malesuada luctus ligula.

    Author image

    Jenny Doe

    Web Design Teacher, W3 School

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