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what is jquery

As you probably know JavaScript is used to create an interactive user interface on webpages. Conversely, you probably also know that implementing JavaScript on websites can be a complicated and lengthy process, especially, if you want to use it for making your website more dynamic. However, to have a better and simplified experience with JavaScript, many web developers use jQuery.

jQuery is an open-source. It is a condensed, quicker, easier, and more dynamic code in the JavaScript. jQuery can assist developers with HTML/CSS manipulation, animation and HTML events on webpages.

the objective

Project jQuery is to demonstrate the different features that jQuery can offer. Additionally, in each of the ten tutorials, there will be three examples that relate to the specific sections. Ultimately, the objective of this site will help become more efficient in using jQuery.

Selecting, Decorating & Enhancing

This is the first tutorial of Project jQuery. Here, you learn about the basic functionality of jQuery and its implementation, which includes Selecting, Decorating, and Enhancing. The three basic jQuery demonstrations are Zebra Striping, Slide Toggle, and finally, Spoiler Revealers.

see demo

animation and scrolling effects

In the second tutorial, you learn how to use and create unique animation and scrolling effects through jQuery. In this tutorial, you will also learn more about Easing. The three demonstrations are based on simple Easing, Content Panels with easing effects, and how to make a Sticky Navigation Bar with jQuery.

see demo

Images & Slideshows

This is the third tutorial, you will learn how to utilize jQuery to display the most common and vital content of all website: images. You will see with these demonstrations, the different methods such as the Lightbox gallery and the Cycle plugins. Also, you learn about Innerfade. Furthermore, you will learn the functionality and structure of each within three demonstrations.

see demo

Menus, Tabs, Tooltips, & Panels

With the fourth tutorial, you will learn how jQuery can be used to organize the webpage’s content and enhance user interface. This tutorial will demonstrate Menus, Tabs, Tooltips, & Panels. Each of the three demonstrations are different and tackle features that can be implemented on your website.

see demo

Construction, Ajax, & Interactivity

The fifth tutorial tackles another more dynamic and advanced jQuery method called Ajax. In addition to Ajax, you will learn how to use Construction, and Interactivity. The three demonstrations will show the several ways to generate content without hitting the refresh button.

see demo

Forms, Controls & Dialogs

In the sixth and final tutorial of Project jQuery, you will learn how jQuery can make the user interface simpler and with a more dynamic use of Forms, Controls, and Dialogs. The demonstrations in this tutorial relate to Forms, for instance, the Form Validation Plugin, an Autocomplete feature, and a Date Picker. Each of the demonstrations will show exactly how to implement jQuery into Forms, Controls, and Dialogs on a website.

see demo